Internet is the fourth largest industry in the US
Internet is the fourth largest industry in the US
Internet is the fourth largest industry in the US | WASHINGTON: The Internet is fast becoming a place in the economy, and in 2018, the share of the Internet in US economic activity is more than $ 2 trillion, which is 10% of the total US state economy. Internet association groups, including Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Uber, and many other Internet companies, have released a report on their field production activities. The report states that the Internet has emerged as the fourth largest sector in the domestic economy and this property comes after real estate.
Last year, the product sector added the US $ 2.3 trillion in gross national revenue. According to the report, the Internet industry is generating 6 million direct jobs in the country, which is 4% of the total jobs in the United States. While the Internet-related sectors created more than 30 million jobs. Last year, Internet companies invested 64 billion.
The report says the Internet industry is providing attractive jobs across the country. According to 2017 data, the average annual salary for workers in this sector was more than $ 322,000, while the average annual salary for the country was 68,000.
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