What is the secret of longevity


What is the secret of longevity

What is the secret of longevity|Why is our age not increase over the past decades? In the best part of two centuries, the life expectancy of people is improving at a very fast and steady rate. The average age of people in the 1840s was not more than 40 years, but then improvements in nutrition, health, and housing facilities, and hygiene during the Victorian period meant that the expected age in early The 1900s reached 60 years. As the 20th century progressed, in addition to war, years, the introduction of health care and childhood immunization globally brought more benefits. Since the 1970s, there has been a great deal of progress, especially in the care of stroke and heart attack patients. Even by the beginning of the 21st century, the expected age for women was 80, and for men, 75. However, 2011 was the turning point when the series suddenly stopped. A temporary problem or a long-term trend Initially, many experts wondered if this could be a temporary problem. Certainly, 2015 was an extraordinary year when the death toll increased, the winter was terrible, and the cause was being attributed to a certain type of cold. But now it is clear that this trend is not just a temporary issue.

One suggestion that has come up is that despite so many years, humans have only reached the upper limits of their age. The oldest survivor whose official record is a French woman, Jane Clement, who was 122 years old at the time of her death, but that is 20 years ago. Research published in the scientific journal General Nature claims that Jane Clement was close to 115 years old. David Sinclair, an American geneticist, has written a book called Life Spin, arguing that by promoting long-lived genes, people can survive longer According to the latest data released from 2016 to 2018 from the UK’s National Statistics Office, these things are measured on a three-year basis and where they have improved slightly, they are still relatively low.

According to current trends, people living in the UK will need 12 years to extend their age. The medical community is struggling to find ways to reduce the disease. The PHE report also looks at the effects of gravity, and what former Professor Michael Marmot of the World Health Organization has suggested is playing a role. PHE says evidence shows that the poorest people have seen the greatest decline in improvement in age. They will be more affected by pressure on care, health and welfare costs, but the report is not final yet. However, it is clear that the longer this trend goes, the more important it is to find answers.