Turkey accuses France terrorism in Syria
Turkey accuses France terrorism in Syria
Turkey accuses France of terrorism in Syria |Turkey’s accusation: ‘French President Maccabees sponsors terrorism. The Turkish Foreign Minister has accused French President Emanuel Maccabees of sponsoring terrorism. He made the statement rejecting the French president’s criticism of the Turkish attacks in Syria. Revolt Chosholo told reporters that Maccabees wanted to be a leader in Europe but he has failed. Last month, Maccabees angered Turkey when France hosted an officer of the Syrian Democratic Force led by him. Turkey considers part of this organization to be a terrorist. The dispute between Turkey and France took place a week before the NATO summit in Britain. Both countries are members of NATO.
Earlier on Thursday, McEwan said he was following his statement given three weeks ago when he described NATO as ‘mentally dead. He said that the member states of NATO need awareness because they are not consulting on many important issues.
He also criticized NATO’s silence on a military attack in northern Syria. Speaking to reporters in parliament on Thursday, the Turkish Foreign Minister said, They Maccabees are already sponsoring the terrorist organization. If they call the terrorist organization their ally, then nothing can be said. He added, There is a gap in Europe right now. McQueen wants to be the leader of Europe but leadership is natural Turkey expressed resentment when Maccabees held talks with SDF spokeswoman Jehane Ahmed on October 8 in Paris. The meeting was an expression of solidarity with the SDF, which is fighting against the Islamic State, the Macquarha’s office said. In addition, he once again expressed reservations over military operations in Turkey’s Syria. A day later, Turkey cleared the territory from the Kurdish militia to create a safe zone in northern Syria. Relations between Turkey and its NATO allies have worsened since Ankara bought an S-400 missile system from Earth to Russia earlier this year.