The Saudi delegation is coming to Pakistan


The Saudi delegation is coming to Pakistan

The Saudi delegation is coming to Pakistan |This is actually the first Saudi delegation in the history of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, Today, two ministers of the government have termed the visit of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, a claim that is true, that for the first time in the history of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, Saudi Arabia is coming to Pakistan. With over 1200 people coming to Pakistan and this is a very big achievement of the government ‘If Saudi Arabia gets economic package’, we are given gasoline for three years’. Saudi Arabia would set up an oil refinery in Pakistan. And it is investing in different sectors. If the government starts, then the government will come out of economic pressure and it will be a great success of the government on the foreign front and the opposition will not be able to snatch this credit from the government, no matter how loud the noise is, Saudi Arabia is not just a friend of Pakistan but It is also the center of our devotion, we call it the “heart of the heart” in Pakistan. We hope this visit will open new doors to friendship for the two countries in the future. The government has succeeded in the external front. But now he has to pay attention to the internal fronts too and you can see what is happening on the internal fronts, Both the government and the opposition are still facing each other on the issue of ET ‘Why the government does not close this front’ Murad Syed Bhai is opening a new case of corruption against Nawaz Sharif and Ahsan Iqbal ‘The old cases are not closing. “What will benefit the government from the new case and the government is trying not to meet Prince Muhammad bin Salman Mian Shahbaz Sharif, but the PML-N wants to meet in every case”. O will be forced to ‘We will talk about all these issues in today’s program’ will be with us.