The quantity of dengue patients in Pakistan arrived at 44 thousand
The quantity of dengue patients in Pakistan arrived at 44 thousand
The quantity of dengue patients in Pakistan arrived at 44 thousand in Pakistan while 66 people have died from dengue in the country so far.
According to health experts, dengue has increased in the country due to several factors, including climate change, rainfall, and increased heat. Dr. Rana Safdar, senior official at the National Institute of Health (NIH) in Islamabad, said that there were 27,000 patients in 2011 and that by now, the number has increased to over 44,000 but dying in the 2011 dengue epidemic. The number was 371. They attributed the cause to climate change but did not explain it further. Rana Safdar said that the government was using all the resources to solve the problem.
Dengue specialist Dr Mahasima Siddiqui blamed the government for its failure, saying that the government of Punjab and Islamabad has failed in particular, including simple steps like spraying on water reservoirs that have not been done so far.
He said the government was awakened when hundreds of people were affected. There are still areas where dengue mosquitoes have not been sprayed.
According to AFP, the highest number of people in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, where the number of people infected with the dengue virus has exceeded 12433. It should be noted that the virus spreads from AIDS Heptai mosquito, which blooms on clean water and the disease has become infectious in Pakistan.