The longest railway bridge is now in use Russia is connected to Crimea


The longest railway bridge is now in use Russia is connected to Crimea

The longest railway bridge is now in use Russia is connected to Crimea|Russia takes President Putin to Russia via Crimea, and Russia’s longest railway bridge has now begun to operate. The bridge is ninety kilometers long and is the territory of Crimea Ukraine that President Putin had joined in Russia. Through Russian President, Vladimir Putin inaugurated the rail link, which was shown live on Russia’s official television. At the beginning of the trip, President Putin was standing in his cabin with the train driver’s engineer. Sadr Putin first stood in the engine driver’s cabin and ordered the driver in Russian to walk and then sometime later. Later, he went to a train compartment where he also drank tea while traveling with the crew. Crimea is the territory of Ukraine and a peninsula, which Russia joined in one of its most contentious territories in 2014. On the occasion of the bridge being used regularly, President Putin said The inauguration of the bridge is a landmark event and now millions of people will be able to travel through the bridge to Crimea. The bridge was built in a span of four years. Its motorway section was inaugurated four years ago by President Putin, now the rail link section of the bridge has also been inaugurated. One of the special features of this bridge is that it is only Russia’s longest. Not the longest bridge, but also the longest bridge in Europe. The bridge was built with a cost of 228 billion Russian rubles or 3.3 billion Euros.