The benefit of eating almonds
The benefit of eating almonds
The benefit of eating almonds | You will surely like this benefit of eating almonds daily. Almonds are a fruit that most people find not only delicious but also healthy. It contains many vitamins and ingredients that make the body healthy and beautiful.
But did you know that it benefits millions of people to eat daily, for which millions of people spend millions?
Eating almonds daily can potentially help prevent facial wrinkles.
This is the first study of its kind to examine the effects of almond skin.
According to a study by the University of California (UC) in the United States, eating small amounts of almonds daily can help reduce the severity of wrinkles on the face of middle-aged women.
During the study, 28 women were recruited and divided into 2 groups. One group eats an average of 60 grams of almonds daily, while the other group eats other things, such as grain bars.
The skin was examined at the beginning of the study and then repeated after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks, and facial wrinkles were analyzed each time using advanced technology.
After 16 weeks, the researchers discovered that almond-fed females had a 10% reduction in crab length while a 9% decrease in depth.
The other group did not record any benefit in this regard, and the researchers reported that almonds are rich in antioxidants, which provide essential fatty acids and polyphenols to the body, which is a good choice for overall nutritional needs.
She said the results of this study suggest that almonds could potentially be a healthy nutritional option for healthy aging, especially for middle-aged women.
He said more research is needed in this regard and should be reviewed in other age groups too, however, eating almonds daily does not hurt.
The results of this research were published in the medical journal General Faith Therapy Research.
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