Robot to assist 3 million knee operations


Robot to assist 3 million knee operations

Robot to assist 3 million knee operations|Macau is the world’s most successful robotic arm that has helped millions of knee surgeries so far, and surprisingly, it does not make the same mistakes as humans. Macau has been successfully used in over 600 hospitals around the world, built over the years by the striker company. Its visual system displays the 3D shape of the knee and facilitates the surgery process by carefully examining the site of the operation. Due to innovation and sensitivity, this robot does not make mistakes and has performed more than three million operations so far. All kinds of surgery tools can be heard in a robotic arm. Macau can perform a complex operation of the hip bone in addition to the knee. Also, it helps partial operation even when the knee (or its rounded bone) is replaced.

Although Mako technology came out ten years ago

Although Mako technology came out ten years ago, it has been continuously improved and now it has become a reality out of science fiction and has provided comfort to millions of patients. The visual system of the robot gives the surgeon detailed video and images of the knee, helping the surgeon to perform the correct position operation. In the event of any malfunction, the robot arm stops immediately because the wrong operation can permanently disable the patient. If the surgeon orders him to work on one part, he remains confined in this area and stops working otherwise. Due to its many qualities, this robot has become the top priority for bone surgeons worldwide, but it takes special training to benefit from the company.