Lady Gaga doesn’t remember the last bath
Lady Gaga doesn’t remember the last bath
Lady Gaga doesn’t remember the last bath |Don’t remember the last time I took a bath, Lady Gaga. Well-known American pop singer Lady Gaga is always in the news because of her bold performances and wonderful statements, and this time she is also embellished by the unique statement. The 33-year-old singer admitted in one of his tweets that his manager had asked him when was the last time. According to Lady Gaga, she replied to her manager that ‘she does not remember when she was last seen. The pop singer also used the hashtag LG6 on Twitter to share private conversations with her manager and she wrote nothing more. Thousands of people retweeted this actress’s tweet while thousands of people gave interesting replies to her tweet. Although the actress did not explain the statement, her tweet suggests that she is so busy preparing for her sixth music video that she has not even had time to take a bath and does not even remember that When was the last time you bathed? The purpose of the singer’s use of the hashtag ‘LG6’ is to point out that she is extremely busy preparing her sixth music album. Lady Gaga’s fifth and last music album ‘Going’ was released in 2016, while earlier the fourth album was released in 2014, the third album 2013, the second album 2011 and the first album 2008. Although Lady Gaga has released only 5 music albums so far, she has performed dozens of ‘single’ songs and her songs are greatly appreciated. Apart from singing, Lady Gaga also debuted the film last year and is well-known as a global fashion icon. Lady Gaga is also famed for wearing bold clothing, including her bold performances, sexually explicit poetry and scenes.