How to clear Google search history
How to clear Google search history
How to clear Google search history | It may not be surprising to you that Google shows a complete record of your search and location history. But it must be surprised how detailed this history is. Yes, you can also look up your years of search history on Google and learn about each of your locations if use Google Maps.
These settings are by default inactive and Google is silently recording each of your searches, but keeping these settings up to date is also quite useful. For example, it helps Google understand what you should recommend during a search and more. However, if you want to clear your life of search history, this is not a problem at all. Just go to Google My Account page and select Activities Controls, which is under the Personal Info & Privacy menu. Here you can see a list of the cards that allow Google to control your search and activity history. There you can prevent the future history of all types of Google products, including search, browsing, maps, voice search, YouTube and Google. If you use more than one Google Account, you must do so on each account separately. If you want to delete past activities that are already safe with Google, go to this link for search and browsing and the map and location on this link can be cleared.