Hack Data from 26 million Facebook users, transmitted to the Dark Web
Hack Data from 26 million Facebook users, transmitted to the Dark Web
Hack Data from 26 million Facebook users, transmitted to the Dark Web! London: The company that has proven to be the weakest in data protection for its users has taken another big leap on Facebook data and hackers not only have data, pictures, IDs, e-mails and phone numbers of 26 million people Hacked but feared that these details had now been sent to the Dark Web.
Its first news was reported by a website, Compare Tech, which said that hackers have put all the information of millions of accounts into a hacker forum and they belong to ordinary criminal gangs. The worrying thing is that this information can be downloaded. This database includes most Americans.
A Facebook agent said: “We are attempting to determine this issue, yet most likely this data has been taken before Facebook’s prudent steps in light of the fact that quite a long while prior Facebook found a way to ensure clients’ information.’
Bob Diachenko, a security expert at ComperryTech, said that the Facebook database is still open and can access, which has millions of people’s Facebook details, but that details were removed by Thursday.
There have been several incidents of Facebook publicizing the data and such scandals are on the rise. Earlier, Facebook had admitted that some part of the data of 87 million people was stolen, which is the majority of Americans. Earlier this year, Facebook also fined $ 5 billion for the same crime.