Getting rid of kidney stones in just 8 days


Getting rid of kidney stones in just 8 days

Getting rid of kidney stones in just 8 days| Birmingham (News Desk) Kidney stones have become a common problem during kidney stones. These stones are usually calcium concentrations that accumulate in the kidney due to their defects. The stone may accumulate for a long time in a part of the kidney, but when it leaves its place it causes severe distress. It is excreted from the kidney to the bladder and is excreted through the urinary tract. This is a slow and long process during which the patient experiences many problems. Commonly called treatment is operation.
But experts say some natural foods are the best way to solve this problem. According to the Natural Care Box, one such recipe for eliminating kidney stones is lemon juice, olive oil, and water. What can be done is the ability to dissolve stones, which reduces urinary tract stress, and olive oil provides it with essential fat.

To prepare this recipe, 100 ml of olive oil, 100 ml water, and lemon juice will be required. Mix all three ingredients very well and use about 50 ml of salted mouth daily in the morning. If used regularly, the urine will begin to subside after about 4-5 days, which means it is working. Usually, this problem is completely resolved in about 8 to 8 days. The stone may accumulate for a long time in a part of the kidney, but it is severely inconvenient when it leaves its place. It is excreted from the kidney to the bladder and is excreted through the urinary tract.

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