Experts worry German children ate sugar in 7 months of the year
Experts worry, German children ate sugar in 7 months of the year
Experts worry German children ate sugar in 7 months of the year |German children eat so much sweet that they eat within seven months of the average sugar consumed this year. According to experts, the reason for this is the marketing of sugar-rich foods by entrepreneurs. According to Food Watch, a German-based consumer habits based in Berlin, German children consumed as much sugar in the first seven months of this year, according to World Health Organization guidelines. What was to go The organization also cited the German Federation of Dietary Affairs and the German Diabetes Society, saying that Germany, which is the most populous country in the European Union, is a minor in the age group of three to 18 years. Citizens consume 63% more sugar than healthy people. According to Food Watch, the tradition of eating sweet in German society continues to the extent that every year, not only children but also adult women and men are healthy for themselves. Consume excessive amounts of sugar. Women will cross that threshold October 8, according to Food Watch. Experts say that overuse of sugar causes obesity in children, and obesity itself is not a disease. Causes a variety of diseases…