Easy natural prescription to get rid of circles around the eyes
Easy natural prescription to get rid of circles around the eyes
If you have problems with dark circles under the eyes and under the eyes, do not worry anymore because the problem will not only reduce the problem but increase it. The task of doing this is to think about getting rid of the problem, but not to worry too much, because there are natural things in your home that hide the problem. Experts say that there are shadows on the face. And spots are common among women while men are not safe. There are several causes of these dark circles, including stress, lack of sleep, hormone disturbances, unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet and so on. Although many types of medicines and chemicals are available in the market to deal with this problem, they are often harmful rather than beneficial. The most useful things in this regard are the ones available in your home and there are many different types.
Take a spoon of tomato juice, mix a tablespoon of lemon juice in it and let it remain on the skin for 10 minutes and then rinse with water. Do this procedure twice a day. Mixing tomato juice in lemon juice and drinking it will also be of great benefit. It has also been reported that extracting potato juice and applying it on the skin through cottonseed also reduces dark circles. Allow the cotton soaked in potato juice to soak for about 10 minutes and then remove it and rinse the skin with cold water. And with a tea bag, you can get rid of dark circles and shadows. For this purpose, place the green TKT bag in the refrigerator to allow it to cool down. Then remove it and place it on the affected skin. If this process continues for a few days, the results will begin to show. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and their oils have excellent benefits for the skin. Massage gently with almond oil on dark circles and shadow skin. Let the skin stay the same overnight and rinse it with water in the morning, and then see the refreshment of the skin. Likewise, applying cooled milk in the refrigerator on the skin with the help of cotton is beneficial, while a few drops of malt juice. It can also be applied to the skin by mixing in glycerin. Things like cucumber, mint leaves, rose petals are also useful for the skin. And yes most importantly, good diet and regular exercise are the basic prerequisites for keeping your skin healthy. Make these two things a part of your life.