Discover the spider whose poison swallows human flesh


Discover the spider whose poison swallows human flesh

Discover the spider whose poison swallows human flesh|While snake venom is generally thought to be life-threatening to humans, there is also a spider that stings human flesh to decompose. The spider was discovered in Mexico Valley, which is located near Mexico City, and was named after the former Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. It is one of the types of spiders whose sting is considered poisonous, though it is not poisonous, but as a result, the skin melts and becomes a permanent mark. Scientists say that Mexico has a large number of spider species and 40 out of 140 species are found here, while the newly discovered spider is native to Mexico. He added that there was already a record of this spider but earlier it was considered a spider of another generation. He said that previously it was believed that this new breed of spider came into the region via ornamental plants, but from their biological examination we discovered that the reality is quite different. According to the research team, these spiders generally try to stay away from humans but stalk if they feel threatened. In urban areas, the spider prefers to live in warehouses or garbage, where they are easily found in the form of pests but also reach homes where they hide in clothing, furniture or walls. Scientists say that humans provide them with temperature, humidity, and food, which causes them to come home, thus increasing the risk of an accident.