Another major shock of India, Iran’s airspace closed after Pakistan


Another major shock of India, Iran’s airspace closed after Pakistan

New Delhi: Indian airline companies have been instructed to stay away from Iran’s “affected” airspace. Aircraft companies were forced to reschedule their airports for this purpose. Under India’s decision, airline companies will not enter the airspace they think is affected by HIADT. According to Wei, the director-general of India Civil Aviation has directed all airlines to stay out of Iran’s airspace.

Is affected. They have asked all airlines to designate nine routes for their flights that are appropriate for them. Prior to India, Germany, the Netherlands and Australia have also instructed their airlines to go to Iran and refrain from flying over Herman’s airspace. Earlier, the Indian Ministry of Defense announced that two of its ships would be deployed to the Gulf of Oman to ensure the safety of its commercial vessels. He has already issued instructions to his airline in this regard. Over the past few days, tensions between Iran and the US have increased dramatically, with airlines from different countries re-establishing their routes. After the airstrikes and the destruction of Indian aircraft in the borders of Pakistan. Pakistan has also closed air borders for India, which has caused major loss to Indian airlines and has to travel long distances.

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