American scholars claim that Turkish President Erdogan’s stay has come to an end
American scholars claim that Turkish President Erdogan’s stay has come to an end
American scholars claim that Turkish President Erdogan’s stay has come to an end|The results of local elections in Turkey have confirmed the abolition of power by Tayyab Erdo ?an and his group, according to media reports, American scholar and researcher Elon bin Maier said. The accusation of President Erdo ?an and his party’s opposition is baseless. The fact is that the performance of the Justice and Development Party is very poor. The current economic crisis in Turkey is proof that Erdo ?an and his party have failed to cope with the country’s economic crisis. US analysts say the main reason for the ongoing crisis in Turkey is the capture of one person’s power and the policy of bringing all state institutions under their control. This time, if the Turkish people are President Erdo ?an. Or not, it is because of the president’s policies and he is responsible for all of these situations…